So, I decided to take on a project for myself, a small project. 

A small enough project where from cable mechanics to servos and programing to making a movable interactive baby dragon, that can sense, see and react to you. 

Something so small that can make you feel like your fantasy is just reality.

This small project is known as Stowaway. 

Now why Stowaway?

Well, every year I volunteer at an even called Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball, also known as LOJ. A long standing event that was based of the movie. LOJ have been running since 1997 that the story itself started to expand. Expanding as small as what was on the other side of the wall in the movie to the self insert or own small story a guest can have, and with how far it came from, its story is massive and immersive. Guest attend wearing costumes that make anyone attend like they are in another world. So immersive, that when the event ends it feels like a part of you is missing. I wanted to add to the world, adding a piece to the many stories that were found in the event. Currently this year I did a bit of interactions with the guests which involved three colored dragon eggs and asked them questions on which color would win. 

Unsurprisingly red won out of gold blue and red. So through the guests pick Stowaway a future animatronic baby dragon doll will be red. But how was I suppose to start? 

I had way to many ideas. I wanted to do servos for neck or wings, make it light up with LED, move every time someone spoke, or have sensors on it when it caught movement. But it was too much to do all at once. It was then in my ideations phase, that I started looking at cable mechanics.


This led me on a whole journey to understand how people created them, some more advance than others. That few pointed out and send me to the Stan Winston school of character arts. It was amazing from what I seen, with the link provided.

However.... It was quite expensive and I could only understand as much as I could from pictures and watching how some of the cables pulling moved the man made vertebrae and sections. 


But there was hope, a man by the name of Brian Poor, actually had a website, known as which actually kick started Stowaway on its way. I was able to fully understand how and why. And so I started designing. 




Obviously, with the little that I knew of shapes, I knew the most moveable part was going to be the neck, so the base would be the egg that hid the wires while someone controlled Stowaway from underneath while still have a basic conversation as the puppet would move around and interact with guests. I wanted to make this so that the guests would feel as if they were truly part of the story, even if they didn't know any part of the story. I wanted new people to enjoy being able to talk to a puppet and feel like they had interacted with a real live character and that something magical was happening.

The Vertebrae and the Stable guide

I found that all of the tentacle animatronics had one thing in common and that was they had a disk that look like a vertebrae and on top of it was a thick block to guide it. So I designed a prototype on a CAD software. The CAD software I'm currently using for this project is SolidWorks. I wanted to laser cute the plywood piece for the vertebrae, while for the stable block guide was to CNC with aluminum.  

As of currently, I am waiting on pieces to get laser cut and CNC parts of it. I also have the wires, nuts and bolts ready to put together as well as have a plan for the pulley system where instead of hands, we can use our feet to control said baby dragon. As of currently this is still an ongoing project.


It would look like a spine. with cables running in. the larger holes would have spring like wire, for movement while the small holes would have threaded wire.