Parking App
This was an app I created sometime ago, trying to learn Figma, I wanted to make parking easier as I was irritated parking in Los Angeles, it was crowded and I was extremely tired of the parking prices that raised over time or going to a flat fee parking that went up to 25-40$ for the day. So I started to think on concept ideas of how would I have a sell parking.
The idea is, not just using the city's parking but also some people who also live near who own a parking spot that can make a bit of money along as well.
Not only that one could ask for shade, or sort of type of parking as well how fast, if it would be in low traffic (which depends on the day) and if its a unlimited area or limited (which would dictate parts of the price or not).
Concept of Idea
There would be a camera where there would a be a mirror that would use light source around to indicate a parking instead of using paint.
There would be a tower for it that would use light and then a mirror for the lines and would move llike how solar ponels would.